Saturday, Saturday

Saturday morning started out with a quick trip to my Avon lady’s house to pick up my order. I stock up big time on their bubble bath every time it is on sale. It is the best bubble bath I have found anywhere, and believe me, I try everything. I tend to like the “kid” scents first.

When I make a “My Favorite Products” page, Avon bubble bath will be the first thing on there. I usually get a bunch of lip balm too, usually anything jelly bean/sugary candy flavored. I am not sure that it ends up doing my lips much good, since I like the taste and then lick my lips….

Ken went out golfing because it sounded like Saturday was going to be nicer than Sunday. He doesn’t always get to golf in March. In 2003, we had the St. Patrick’s day blizzard, which amounted to about 3 feet of snow, so March is highly variable.

After my Avon pick-up, I went home to work on the landscape quilt a little more. Then off to Gregorio’s, the Mexican restaurant that has the shrimp soup that I love love love. The crowd was a little thin there, with it being St. Patrick’s day. Apparently St. Patrick’s day is not a day for Mexican food. The soup was as good as always, apologies for forgetting to get a picture. It had this delicious mostly chicken (?) or shrimp based broth, maybe not even tomatoes, onions, potatoes sliced very thin, a little rice, many many green peppers and red pepper and jalapenos (especially if you tell the waitress you want it HOT HOT HOT). Well, it was not quite as spicy hot as last time, but it was good. Their chips and salsa are good too, and by the time I the soup gets there, I can’t eat the whole thing, so I get a container to go and then I have breakfast for the next day! Mmmmmmmmm. I have not yet figured out how to duplicate this recipe at home.

Then I stopped at Tuesday morning on the way home because I was still looking for hat boxes. They had only one, and I didn’t particularly care for the design. I went home from there, forgetting that I wanted to stop at Hobby Lobby and look for hat boxes, and that I should go to the library to pick up the books I had on hold.

Progress on the quilt:

Those reds on that hill are really red-violets, the color is a little off in this picture.

I got home and worked on the landscape quilt again, and ran out of Wonder Under (fusible product for sewing, iron on to the back of fabric and then you can iron the fabric onto other things). My role model in fusing quilts (Melody Johnson at Fibermania) says ONLY use Wonder Under, so I took my 50% off coupon to JoAnn fabric and I bought a whole bolt of it. That should hold me for a while.

Since I was out and about again (I need to consolidate my appointments better so as to save on $$$ gas) I ran to Hobby Lobby and found a hat box (victory!) for less than $10, it may have been even more on sale than that, I forgot to look at the receipt, as well as part of my niece Taylor’s birthday gift (HA! Taylor, I know your sister reads this, I am not going to say what it is!) and stopped at the library to get my books, including “Yellowstone Super Volcano” by Harry Turtledove, which probably means I will have nightmares about volcanoes all week.

Then I went to DSW and went shoe shopping. Unfortunately, I was wearing Crocs so I didn’t have my orthotic inserts in, and that affects how shoes fit, so I bought 3 pairs and I am pretty sure I will have to return at least 1. I still have to stop at Bass some night this week, I usually have good luck there.

I had put a turkey breast in the crock pot earlier in the day Saturday, and it smelled great. I knew I was going to miss out on crispy skin this way, but I wanted to get it cooked and out of the freezer, knowing it would make good leftovers for Kenny to eat this week on the days when he has to work late. Between the juice from the Crockpot (including 15 oz of chicken broth the recipe calls for) and the plastic bag of gravy that came with the turkey breast, I made A LOT of gravy. Had leftover mashed potatoes from earlier in the week, was too tired to peel potatoes Saturday night and decided to do that on Sunday and make PLENTY for the week. I used this recipe, and it was excellent. Very moist. Sorry, no pics of the turkey, it tasted great but it wasn’t beautiful.

3 thoughts on “Saturday, Saturday

  1. Sounds like your weekend was much more productive than mine. I spent most of Sunday in disbelief that my sewing machine wasn’t working.

    Will be dropping it off tonight at the Rocky Mountain Sewing and Vacuum place. Hope they do a decent job and don’t take too long; in the mean time, I will have to pull out Ginger’s extra machine that she brought me at Christmas.

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